Backyard Camp started when a group of parents started asking the question - “What are we going to do with our kids if summer camps are cancelled as a result of Covid 19?” As it became increasingly clear that camp as we know it wouldn’t be able to operate in 2020, this group of parents came up with a plan to share ideas for keeping kids active and engaged over the summer. The result of that plan is Backyard Camp.
The founders of Backyard Camp have attended and worked at various day camps and overnight camps over the years, and today have children attending camp ranging in age from 4 to 17.
In the few short weeks since the launch of Backyard Camp thousands of families have registered. A simple idea shared between a few concerned parents has become a movement of parents helping parents. It won’t be the summer we were all planning for, but we’ll be doing our best to help parents make the most of summer for their kids in 2020.
Meet Erin Elfassy, our co-founder, as she explains Backyard Camp to a Toronto news channel.